Coming in to land - final approach.*
Ladies and gentlemen, we have started our descent, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position and your seat belt is securely fastened.
- Organic and fair trade fabrics sourced. done
- Colour swatches matched. done
- Collection designed. done
- Suppliers' ethics audited. done
- Factory identified and chosen. done
- Shirts made. done
- Delivery in progress. done
- Banking secured. done
- Website online. done
- Payment gateway online. done
- Customer delivery logistics in place. done
- "and the rest". done
Well, we've had a busy old time of it these last few months in the run-up to launch and we're all proud of what we've done. With the formal range of shirts you will, we believe, be able to buy for the first time a shirt made with organic and fairly traded cotton that you can (should you choose) wear with a suit and tie.
With some of our slightly more casual shirts, you can adopt an individual sense of style while still being suitably attired for the more casual office or perhaps a weekend lunch party. Again, the cotton is organic.
However, life's not just about work and lunch (although sometimes it can feel like it). Sometimes a man just needs to relax on the terrace; beer in his hand, sun on his back. That's why we've included a couple of linen shirts. Iron them if you must, but we think they are best relaxed and a little crumpled. Ahem, a bit like us.
The stewardess will be collecting your glasses soon, in the meantime here's a sneak peek at some of the shirts before we launch later in the month...

*(Okay, okay, we know that airplanes and an eco business are uncomfortable bedfellows but, let's face it, we've pretty much all flown at some point. Some more than once. And we liked the metaphor. Forgive us.)